645 Glass on Full-frame

After a couple of weeks of having the worst flu since 2015 I decided it was time to head outside and get some fresh air and start to rebuild my stamina. I’m very fortunate to live near a national park so motivation comes fairly easy, I just need to grab my phone and camera and go.

For this little venture I decided to try adapting a couple of medium format lenses to my full frame K-1, in the hopes that they perform well. Seeing as some of this exercise would involve some landscape(ish) style shots I wanted to see how the ‘sweet spot’ of the medium format glass would resolve on the full frame camera. The fact that I am planning to sell some prestigious Pentax K-1 glass to afford other ‘stuff’ has made me ponder if I can get by with this medium format on full frame approach for this style of work and indeed I was pretty impressed with the results.

I used the 645 SMC Pentax- 35/3.5 and the 645 SMC Pentax LS 75/2.8.

Thanks for looking.


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Tokyo in Sydney