Chapter 11 - Leura Cascades

Just thought I’d share a mockup and give a progress report. I actually think I can start to piece together on what has been a very overdue project and hopefully get this done 2022.

Bushfires, floods and the pandemic have not helped at all. The damage and delayed repairs to these bush tracks (as well as wildlife slow to return) have really put a spanner in the works. Ah well, the show must go on…

For those unaware, I have been working on a book of my local area (the Blue Mountains) as seen through the optics of just one vintage classic lens, the Takumar 50mm 1.4 (8e) (attached to my Pentax K-1). It has proven to be a wonderful experience that I look forward to sharing with you all.

Please note this mockup is obviously just my amateur self playing, I will seek out professional designer help when I get to that stage ;)

Here’s a few more pics likely to see their way into this chapter (if it makes the cull!). Thanks for looking!


Pentax Australia
