For me I think this marked outing number three at our annual Glen Davis photography retreat. I’m sure it has run more than three times, one time I was too sick to make it and unfortunately this year we had a couple of usual faces unable to attend for similar reasons, their absences were really felt.
My son accompanied me this time, keen to see what we all get up to (and I think just fancied a bit of a digital holiday, there is no reception in the valley to which this place is located).
I was feeling pretty exhausted, I had just finished a shoot the previous night so it was a case of backing up data, charging batteries and setting off early the following morning.
I had no real game plan going in (other than to document in my usual fashion). No Pentax camera body this time, but I did want to flex my favorite lens the Takumar 50/1.4(8e), sitting upon the Fujifilm XH2S (for both stills and video work). I rather enjoyed this experience, it reminded me of my old FA77 on the full frame Pentax K-1. There exists a special (fairly pricey) adapter for my camera that can take an old classic vintage lens like this and add some very basic autofocus… I have to say I am quite tempted, it is a unique look and to have some of the lifting assisted in the field is a pretty attractive proposition. Hmm… decisions decisions…
A video first, a summary if you like, but if video and obnoxious music is not your thing and you’re here for the stills then scroll on down.
The Place
I decided to shoot using the ‘Moody Monochrome’ filmsim recipe, the black and white images are mostly SOOC (Straight Out Of Camera) or had some light editing for polishing. The colour variations further down are RAW edits using either Classic Neg or Eterna Bleach Bypass as base profiles.
The People

Lady Nyxx
I was stunned by Sarina’s ‘Lady Nyxx’ character and costume, I felt the Takumar rendering was right at home portraying this particular set. These were too good to not give a colour treatment, you can find them further below as well.
The Props
All credit goes to the actors and actresses as well as two special photographers, Mick Tait and Michael Lynch. These two are the real geniuses who come properly equipped with lasers, lights, smoke machines/bombs and flame throwers! Occasionally I will use my trigger and hop on their ID channel and steal a couple of shots >:D But seriously, without this prop dynamic the shoot would be dull and lackluster, credit where credit is due, thank you guys (and gal).

Rob is a mad genius. He works on film sets providing props or whatever is needed for the film. He is the mastermind and constantly tinkering and creating new stuff :)
Once More With Feeling
Well I think that just about does it, here’s a few additional shots in colour (because they were too good not to. Thanks for watching/looking, any comments feel free to leave below.